Thursday, December 19, 2013

New Body Under Construction

Posted by Tammy

Why is it that it’s not hard to put on the weight, but it’s hard to get it off?  Before my wedding, I lost 13 pounds because I was on a #skinnybride mission.  Well one month later, I’ve put back 8 of those 13 pounds.  Honeymoon in Bora Bora, holiday festivities and lack of self-control all added to the weight being put back on.  Oh, and not being faithful to my skinny wraps and supplements.  It’s my own fault, I know that!  I'm so mad at myself because I worked so hard to lose it, and then BAM, I put it back on.   It got me thinking, what are some simple changes that I can make to help me get back on track.  We all love lists, right?  So here is my list of small changes I will be making to get that weight back off!

1.     Cut out two morning Dr Pepper’s a week and substitute with an extra serving of Greens! – I’m being realistic here, I know I can’t cut them out completely
2.     Park in the farthest parking spot at the store instead of the closest
3.     One glass of wine or beer with dinner instead of two or three (or sometimes more)
4.     Drink water. Period.
5.     Substitute real butter for “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter”
6.     Eat breakfast
7.     Grab a smaller plate to control portion size
8.     Plan meals in advance.  Plan 4-5 weekly meals on Sunday for the upcoming week
9.     Mustard instead of mayo on sandwiches and burgers
10.  Make a daily supplement schedule and add reminder alarms in my phone

What are things you would add to the list?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Do You Leave Your Options Open to Earning Extra Income?

Posted by Tammy

I just read a sad and startling excerpt from the book, "Why Middle Class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke."  The excerpt says:

"Bankruptcy has become deeply entrenched in American life. This year, more people will end up bankrupt than will suffer a heart attack. More adults will file for bankruptcy than will be diagnosed with cancer. More people will file for bankruptcy than will graduate from college. And, in an era when traditionalists decry the demise of the institution of marriage, Americans will file more petitions for bankruptcy than for divorce. Heart attacks. Cancer. College graduations. Divorce. These are markers in the lives of nearly every American family. And yet, we will soon have more friends and coworkers who have gone through bankruptcy than any one of these other life events."

I can see how easy it is to fall into the debt trap and it wasn't until recently that I appreciate more what I have in my home-based business.  It is our goal to be 100% DEBT FREE by the end of 2014 (this includes cars and student loans).  We started working towards our goal this week!  Thanks to my skinny wrap check, we were able to completely pay off one credit card, pay cash for Christmas gifts, adopt two Christmas Angels and still put some into our investment account.

Regardless of how you answered my introductory rhetorical question, I fear that a good portion of you reading this are falling into the "Middle Class Trap" and going deeper into debt and are headed down a road towards bankruptcy.  I'm here to tell you that is doesn't have to be like that.  You don't have to have the weight of debt dragging you down every day and the good news is there are options out there, like the one I am involved in.   An extra $500 a month can save your house from going into foreclosure, can save your car from being repossessed and can save you from having to tell your kid "no" because you can't afford to put them in soccer, or dance, or piano. 

If you leave your options open to earning extra income.  Contact me today...not tomorrow...but today and start 2014 with a plan in place to keep you from the feeling of being broke and desperate.

817-915-8366 (call or text)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tammy's 10 Ten Tips for Traveling to Bora Bora

Posted by Tammy

Recently I got married and we decided that Bora Bora would be the perfect place to go on our honeymoon.  Over water bungalows, beaches, sun and fun!  Wondering where Bora Bora is?  Travel to Los Angeles (from wherever you are), then take another 8 hour plane to Tahiti, then another 45 minute puddle jumper plane to some island, and then another 40 minute boat ride to your resort.  19-24 hours'll be in Bora Bora.

But in all seriousness, you really are in the middle of nowhere.  I know Boara Bora and it's teal blue water, beautiful beaches and did I mention over water bungalows are on a lot of people's "bucket lists" so I wanted to give you my top 10 tips for traveling to Bora Bora.

  1. Ambian or some other sleep enhancing medication.  This is for the plane ride from LA to Tahiti.  Almost 9 hour flight turns into what seems like one hour.
  2. Buy liquor at the Duty Free shop in the airport before your long trip.  There is no such thing as all-inclusive in Bora Bora so don't be shocked when two drinks will cost you $50 bucks.  This way you can have drinks whenever you want.  Our favorite was sitting out on our balcony of our over water bungalow sipping on our drinks.  Private and less expensive.
  3. IF you forget to do Tip #2, then make sure you take a trip to the main island within the first couple of days of your trip for the same reason I mentioned above.  You can also get some Coke, snacks, etc. on the main island.
  4. Sunscreen!  Listen to your wife and wear sunscreen even if only swimming for a few minutes.  Just ask my husband how days 2-8 went after he didn't put on sunscreen.
  5. Double your budget.  Whatever you plan on spending, go ahead and double it.  Things are VERY expensive there.  My genius husband made a good point...we were out in the middle of nowhere.  It has to cost and arm and leg for them to get product delivered to them.  So they will charge you an arm and a leg...and they still need to make a profit. 
  6. Enjoy the FREE things.  We sat outside our bungalow at night and we had a sting ray (we named him Charles...get it...Ray....Charles....oh nevermind),  Every night Charles came swimming around our bungalow and it was the coolest thing.  One night we even had a "harmless" shark swim by.
  7. Do the touristy never know who might be there.   We got to spend time with Dustin Pedroia (Boston Red Sox Captain) and his BFF Andre Ethier (Dodgers) and their wives.  We also go to learn how the rich and famous live with their nannies and children with them in Bora Bora.  Every day at breakfast they said hi to us, asked us how our day went and if we had anything planned.  Pretty cool.  Guess I'll watch a little more baseball this next season.
  8. Don't stay for too many days.  Did I mention there is no such thing as all-inclusive and you are out in the middle of nowhere?  We stayed one or two days too long.  The food started tasting the same, the newness wore off and we had island fever....and really, REALLY missed our son. 
  9. DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT forget your Fat Fighters.  I did and both Thomas and I regretted it.  There is a reason that Ploynesian people are not tiny.  Trust me and just pack a bottle...or two and take them to every meal!
  10. Take it all in.  This really is as close to paradise as I have ever been.  I've traveled a lot and been all over the world and this by far is better than Paris, Hawaii, Caymen Islands, Jamaica, St. Lucia and any where in Mexico.  The resorts marine biologist told us that our grandkids will probably never get to experience this place because it will be gone and under water by then.  May happen, may not.  But take advantage of this beautiful place while you can!
Note: If it weren't for the amazing success I have had with It Works! and selling this crazy wrap thing, we would not have had the opportunity to experience this amazing place!  Thank you It Works! for helping me dream bigger than I ever thought possible.