Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Do you or someone you know need assistance in purchasing school supplies for your child(ren) this year? We have been blessed beyond measure with this business and want to pay-it-forward and buy school supplies for two lucky fans. Here are the rules:

  1. The winner must be a fan of Cowtown Skinny ( 
  2. You must post on our wall a story explaining the need (please if you can afford school supplies, do not post. We want to bless others that financially cannot afford it). Share it will the people you know, and encourage them to enter or enter for them.
  3. We will select two winners the week of August 5-9

*Note: The supplies provided must not exceed $100 per winner. The winner will need to send us their child's school supplies list, along with a mailing address for us to send ship the winnings.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Skinny Wrap Two-a-Days

Posted by Tammy

Post #4

Skinny Wrap Two-A-Days

Ok for those of you that don’t me well, I am a football fanatic! So, why not let my two passions collide for this post! Football and Skinny Wraps = Perfection!

Soon all across the wonderful state of Texas, many high school and college football programs will kick off two-a-day workouts. What that means is FOOTBALL SEASON IS ALMOST HERE! My favorite time of the year is almost upon us! I can't wait to enjoy Friday night football, College Game Day when I wake-up on Saturday, NFL Sunday and ending it all with Monday Night Football. Not to mention the random Thursday night games, and if I am lucky, one on Tuesday and Wednesday. Basically it is possible to surround myself with football 24/7!

Two-a-days, is such a crazy concept to those not associated with football (or just a fan of football). Why in the world would a team practice twice in one day, when it is 106 degrees outside? The simple answer is because football season couldn't get here fast enough. But the real answer is because it is necessary to establish the "team mentality," to assess where you are as a team and as an individual, what you need to work on, what will work for you, what won't and just because it's football and it's fun!

As I sat here talking to a coach today thinking about how in a few weeks the high school football season would be kicking off, I found myself wondering is there such a thing as Skinny Wrap two-a-days? Then it hit me...everyday is a two-a-day in this Crazy Wrap Thing world (and I would argue sometimes a three-a-day). As a distributor, every day I work towards establishing a solid "team mentality" within our overall team, as well as with my loyal customers and the coaching staff (other leaders). If you were a fly on the wall and were able to witness our conversations you would hear us discussing our strengths, weaknesses, failures and successes and what we need to do to make it even better. Even if you win the Superbowl (or become an Ambassador) you will still show-up to two-a-days next season because your passion is so deep and you love being a part of a winning team! I get just as excited about Skinny Wraps as I do about Football Season!

You are a part of a winning team! You are in Ashley's downline. A record breaking-team in this company! If you are ready to be the next Ashley Sinclair, then you have to think and act like Ashley Sinclair and follow her coaching and her two-a-day lead! If I were to create a two-a-day schedule, I think it would look like this:
  1. Show-up | If you don’t show-up, you will never win! Make the decision to show up to your skinny wrap job every day! Either you are playing in the game or you are a spectator on the sideline. I choose to be a player! 
  2. Warm-up | Log-in to esuite, check your email, Facebook messages, texts first thing and get a grasp on your day ahead and where you left it all the day before
  3. Team time | get to know your team, pick a few team members a day to talk to, encourage, help, get to know. You can’t win a Superbowl alone. If you don’t have a team yet, your upline IS YOUR TEAM, get to know them! 
  4. Drills | This is where you personally develop yourself. Read a book, do your training, attend a training, schedule time with your upline. You have to do your drills over and over to perfect them for when game time comes!
  5. Game Plan | What are you going to accomplish today. Make a daily, weekly and monthly plan! Stick to it, make it happen! Can you imagine if a coach in the middle of a game just said, “eh, I don’t have a plan, so just go play and have fun boys!” He would be fired when the play clock reaches 0:00.
  6. Inner-Squad Scrimmage | Take action! Talk to people, follow-up with potentials, follow-up with current customers, look for events, plant seeds, blitz! DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING! IT’S GAME TIME!
  7. Watch game film on the scrimmage | Reflect on what approaches worked, what didn’t, why didn’t that person say “yes,” why did your quarterback fumble the ball (lead), etc. Figure out the positives and the negatives and make the positives even better and work on fixing the negatives
  8. Lunch break
  9. Repeat steps 1-9

Two-a-days is where the men are separated from the boys. The time where people get cut because they can’t make it! Are you going to show-up to skinny wrap two-a-days, or are you going to get cut from the team? Tough Love, I know, but only the strong survive!

I’m headed for two-a days….are you?

Hook’em Horns!!!!

Poop or get off the pot!

Posted by Tammy


“Poop or get off the pot!”

I bet that got your attention didn’t it? And I bet you are wondering how the heck am I going to tie this back to skinny wraps, huh? My ex-husband used to have a saying when people, or things, were taking too long. He would say, “Either poop or get off the pot!” It’s actually quite simple how this relates to this Crazy Wrap Thing; either you are working with urgency and you take care of “business,” or you just sit there and take up time not doing anything (probably playing Candy Crush while sitting there, ‪#‎justsayin‬’)! If you are the person just sitting there, you should know there are people like me, waiting in line for that pot, that are going to do what needs to be done and this whole time it could have been you instead….make sense? Basically those that poop faster and more often are going to be successful in this business! {C’mon now, we ask complete strangers all the time if they are “Regular” or not, so just find my humor somewhat amusing! At least we aren’t strangers talking about poop and my approach can make you rich!}

Working with urgency is not something we just encourage; it is something that we should all be doing right now to capitalize on the growth and momentum phase that It Works! Global is currently in the middle of. Every MLM company goes through 4 distinct phases: formulation phase, concentration phase, momentum phase and the stability phase. The momentum phase is where millionaires are made! The momentum phase if where life changes happen, the momentum phase only lasts 2-4 years…so work with URGENCY and make yourself a millionaire! I’m not here to educate you on MLM’s, you should already have done that on your own, or you should go do it after reading this! If knowing what phase we are in doesn’t light a fire under you to “poop or get off the pot” then go ahead and pull out your phone and play some more Candy Crush while the rest of us go capitalize on this phase with urgency!

You think I am joking, but if you take your sweet time on the pot, the opportunity for crazy money, life.changing.mone, is going to pass you by and all you are going to have is a dead battery on your phone and a lot of “what if’s!” It’s literally just that simple! Either you have to go “RIGHT NOW” or you can “hold it!” If you hold it too long, the urge might go away and you will be right back where you were before joining this crazy wrap thing. So grab a hold of your burning why, own your excuses and poop or get off the pot!

Bathroom humor over!

Does Your Why Burn?

Posted by Tammy

Post #2
Today I have the amazing opportunity to be in the delivery room as my BFF Jill Hair delivers her second son, Hunter! So many emotions are running through my heart and mind today. Almost two years ago, Jill, my sister and my mom were in the very same hospital welcoming my son into this world. Those three women were the only things that kept me sane during the hardest time in my life. Today seems like the perfect day for me to talk about the importance of knowing your WHY!

You might think it’s cliché when we say you must know your why, but hear me when I say, you don’t just need to know your why, your why needs to burn so deep that it is what keeps you going when you don’t want to because you are afraid of what will happen if you quit!

My why is my son! He is the reason I suck it up, make no excuses and work this business. Because of the hand I was dealt, he started life with an unfair advantage. I LET his dad give up his rights, with that came no help, no support, no father figure, nothing but heartache! BUT, there is no way in my power I am going to let my son suffer because of the decisions I made! I cannot and will not look at him, ever, and tell him that this business was too hard for me to change our futures! If your why is not powerful enough to overcome excuse after excuse, then you haven’t found a why that burns enough! Go and find it….NOW and tell your upline your why so they can remind you about it when you start making excuses. I guarantee you that Ashley will remind me of mine if I ever need her to. But, the great thing about having a why that burns, is that you don’t need anyone to remind you about it because it is always burning!

Your why, is your why, no one else’s, but you must have it. Whether it’s because you are sick and tired of having bill collectors call you, or you are full of guilt because you don’t have the time to be the parent you want to be, or you know you are done just surviving and are ready to thrive, you must know your why! Keep asking yourself why until you feel overcome with emotions and then you will have your burning why! Write it down, post it everywhere, and let others hold you accountable!

If your why doesn’t burn, it’s not deep enough! I challenge each of you to find your BURNING WHY, not just your why. There is a difference! If you can’t figure it out on your own, ask God to place it on your heart…trust me, He will, and He will let it burn!

No Excuses!

Posted by Tammy:
I was asked by one of the top four money earners in our company to post daily tips, inspiration, etc. for her team this week.  It was a shocking honor for her to trust me with this task and I hope I don't disappoint her!  I wanted to share each day's post with you here, too.

Post #1
Wow! I have some big shoes to fill following the fabulous Melanie Phillips Pittman! She is so inspiring! Our personalities are pretty different, as you will see over the next week, but I know that we both have a lot to offer each of you. You will soon learn that I really have a ‪#‎noexcuses‬ attitude and approach…I have a huge heart, but I don’t have a lot of sympathy with excuses! So with that said, I hope I don’t offend anyone and that I inspire all of you!

Cliff notes version of my story: I got pregnant, was not married, and then my son’s biological dad decided to give up his rights when I was three months pregnant (there is way more to this story that would make your jaw drop, just trust me when I say...IT WAS BAD)! Needless to say, I found myself face down on the floor and the only thing I could say was the verse Jeremiah 29:11. “'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' I vividly remember yelling at God (I mean YELLING) saying, “This? This is your plan for me? Seriously? How do I have hope in this? I am not married, I am pregnant, this child has no father and I am all-alone!!! How is this giving me a future? I give up, I can’t do it, so here you go God, all my worries, fears and plans are in your hands now! I’m DONE!” (I’m sure there was a lot more to that conversation with God, but I’ll spare you the details). Ironically, that is exactly what He wanted me to say! I’m sure He was saying, “It’s about time, Tammy! You are not in control, I am! Now give it all to me!” Soon after that, a peace came over me and I found myself saying repeatedly that I knew God is going to use my story to help others with faith, hope, forgiveness and trust! I just didn’t know that this Crazy Wrap Thing would be the platform! *Note: This didn't just happen in one perfect moment, it was over the course of a few days time, a bottle of wine with my BFF Jill Hair (don't judge us, my life was falling apart, wine was needed and my son is just fine), lots of tears, and a lot of conversations with the big man up stairs!! Trust me, you don't have to have clarification right away, but you do have to work towards it to reach it!

If anyone had an excuse to not work this business, it was me. I started when my son was almost five months old, and remember, I was a 100% single mom working a full-time job! So finding time to do events, parties, etc. was not easy! BUT, I decided that my circumstances were NOT going to define me, I was going to define my circumstances. Too many times we see people in this business that use their circumstances in their life as a crutch, they think it’s a pass to not work hard and then when they are not successful, they use those circumstances as an excuse! They blame everything and everyone else for their lack of success! Now granted, sometimes it's just not their time, I get that. But do they quit all together, or do they just hang on, and keep working until it IS their time to really work it?

I challenge each of you to take some time and write down all the excuses you are making in regards to this business. Get rid of them, remove them from your vocabulary and when you find yourself making an excuse, figure out a way to “re-frame it for positive!” You have two choices; it’s all in your approach! “I am a single mom, I don’t have any help with my son, I can’t work this business. I don’t have time, I don’t have the money.” OR “Because I am a single mom and I don’t have help with my son and because I don’t have the time or the money, I am going to work so hard to provide for my son, work so hard so that I can eventually be a time-free mom. I will not let the choices I made negatively impact his life! I did this, I can change it!” You either own your excuses or you let them own you! What’s your choice?