Posted by Tammy
Post #4
Skinny Wrap Two-A-Days
Ok for those of you that don’t me well, I am a football fanatic! So,
why not let my two passions collide for this post! Football and Skinny
Wraps = Perfection!
Soon all across the wonderful state of
Texas, many high school and college football programs will kick off
two-a-day workouts. What that means is FOOTBALL SEASON IS ALMOST HERE!
My favorite time of the year is almost upon us! I can't wait to enjoy
Friday night football, College Game Day when I wake-up on Saturday, NFL
Sunday and ending it all with Monday Night Football. Not to mention the
random Thursday night games, and if I am lucky, one on Tuesday and
Wednesday. Basically it is possible to surround myself with football
Two-a-days, is such a crazy concept to those not
associated with football (or just a fan of football). Why in the world
would a team practice twice in one day, when it is 106 degrees outside?
The simple answer is because football season couldn't get here fast
enough. But the real answer is because it is necessary to establish the
"team mentality," to assess where you are as a team and as an
individual, what you need to work on, what will work for you, what
won't and just because it's football and it's fun!
As I sat
here talking to a coach today thinking about how in a few weeks the high
school football season would be kicking off, I found myself wondering
is there such a thing as Skinny Wrap two-a-days? Then it hit
me...everyday is a two-a-day in this Crazy Wrap Thing world (and I would
argue sometimes a three-a-day). As a distributor, every day I work
towards establishing a solid "team mentality" within our overall team,
as well as with my loyal customers and the coaching staff (other
leaders). If you were a fly on the wall and were able to witness our
conversations you would hear us discussing our strengths, weaknesses,
failures and successes and what we need to do to make it even better.
Even if you win the Superbowl (or become an Ambassador) you will still
show-up to two-a-days next season because your passion is so deep and
you love being a part of a winning team! I get just as excited about
Skinny Wraps as I do about Football Season!
You are a part of a winning team! You are in Ashley's
downline. A record breaking-team in this company! If you are ready
to be the next Ashley Sinclair, then you have to think and act like
Ashley Sinclair and follow her coaching and her two-a-day lead! If I
were to create a two-a-day schedule, I think it would look like this:
Show-up | If you don’t show-up, you will never win! Make the
decision to show up to your skinny wrap job every day! Either you are
playing in the game or you are a spectator on the sideline. I choose to
be a player!
- Warm-up | Log-in to esuite, check your email,
Facebook messages, texts first thing and get a grasp on your day ahead
and where you left it all the day before
- Team time | get to know
your team, pick a few team members a day to talk to, encourage, help,
get to know. You can’t win a Superbowl alone. If you don’t have a team
yet, your upline IS YOUR TEAM, get to know them!
- Drills | This
is where you personally develop yourself. Read a book, do your
training, attend a training, schedule time with your upline. You have
to do your drills over and over to perfect them for when game time
- Game Plan | What are you going to accomplish today. Make a
daily, weekly and monthly plan! Stick to it, make it happen! Can you
imagine if a coach in the middle of a game just said, “eh, I don’t have
a plan, so just go play and have fun boys!” He would be fired when the
play clock reaches 0:00.
- Inner-Squad Scrimmage | Take action!
Talk to people, follow-up with potentials, follow-up with current
customers, look for events, plant seeds, blitz! DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING!
- Watch game film on the scrimmage | Reflect on
what approaches worked, what didn’t, why didn’t that person say “yes,”
why did your quarterback fumble the ball (lead), etc. Figure out the
positives and the negatives and make the positives even better and work
on fixing the negatives
- Lunch break
- Repeat steps 1-9
Two-a-days is where the men are separated from the boys. The time
where people get cut because they can’t make it! Are you going to
show-up to skinny wrap two-a-days, or are you going to get cut from the
team? Tough Love, I know, but only the strong survive!
I’m headed for two-a days….are you?
Hook’em Horns!!!!