Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Poop or get off the pot!

Posted by Tammy


“Poop or get off the pot!”

I bet that got your attention didn’t it? And I bet you are wondering how the heck am I going to tie this back to skinny wraps, huh? My ex-husband used to have a saying when people, or things, were taking too long. He would say, “Either poop or get off the pot!” It’s actually quite simple how this relates to this Crazy Wrap Thing; either you are working with urgency and you take care of “business,” or you just sit there and take up time not doing anything (probably playing Candy Crush while sitting there, ‪#‎justsayin‬’)! If you are the person just sitting there, you should know there are people like me, waiting in line for that pot, that are going to do what needs to be done and this whole time it could have been you instead….make sense? Basically those that poop faster and more often are going to be successful in this business! {C’mon now, we ask complete strangers all the time if they are “Regular” or not, so just find my humor somewhat amusing! At least we aren’t strangers talking about poop and my approach can make you rich!}

Working with urgency is not something we just encourage; it is something that we should all be doing right now to capitalize on the growth and momentum phase that It Works! Global is currently in the middle of. Every MLM company goes through 4 distinct phases: formulation phase, concentration phase, momentum phase and the stability phase. The momentum phase is where millionaires are made! The momentum phase if where life changes happen, the momentum phase only lasts 2-4 years…so work with URGENCY and make yourself a millionaire! I’m not here to educate you on MLM’s, you should already have done that on your own, or you should go do it after reading this! If knowing what phase we are in doesn’t light a fire under you to “poop or get off the pot” then go ahead and pull out your phone and play some more Candy Crush while the rest of us go capitalize on this phase with urgency!

You think I am joking, but if you take your sweet time on the pot, the opportunity for crazy money, life.changing.mone, is going to pass you by and all you are going to have is a dead battery on your phone and a lot of “what if’s!” It’s literally just that simple! Either you have to go “RIGHT NOW” or you can “hold it!” If you hold it too long, the urge might go away and you will be right back where you were before joining this crazy wrap thing. So grab a hold of your burning why, own your excuses and poop or get off the pot!

Bathroom humor over!

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