Posted by Tammy:
I was asked by one of the top four money earners in our company to post daily tips, inspiration, etc. for her team this week. It was a shocking honor for her to trust me with this task and I hope I don't disappoint her! I wanted to share each day's post with you here, too.
Post #1
Wow! I have some big shoes to fill following the fabulous Melanie Phillips Pittman! She is so inspiring! Our personalities are pretty different, as you will see over the next week, but I know that we both have a lot to offer each of you. You will soon learn that I really have a #noexcuses attitude and approach…I have a huge heart, but I don’t have a lot of sympathy with excuses! So with that said, I hope I don’t offend anyone and that I inspire all of you!
Cliff notes version of my story: I got pregnant, was not married, and then my son’s biological dad decided to give up his rights when I was three months pregnant (there is way more to this story that would make your jaw drop, just trust me when I say...IT WAS BAD)! Needless to say, I found myself face down on the floor and the only thing I could say was the verse Jeremiah 29:11. “'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' I vividly remember yelling at God (I mean YELLING) saying, “This? This is your plan for me? Seriously? How do I have hope in this? I am not married, I am pregnant, this child has no father and I am all-alone!!! How is this giving me a future? I give up, I can’t do it, so here you go God, all my worries, fears and plans are in your hands now! I’m DONE!” (I’m sure there was a lot more to that conversation with God, but I’ll spare you the details). Ironically, that is exactly what He wanted me to say! I’m sure He was saying, “It’s about time, Tammy! You are not in control, I am! Now give it all to me!” Soon after that, a peace came over me and I found myself saying repeatedly that I knew God is going to use my story to help others with faith, hope, forgiveness and trust! I just didn’t know that this Crazy Wrap Thing would be the platform! *Note: This didn't just happen in one perfect moment, it was over the course of a few days time, a bottle of wine with my BFF Jill Hair (don't judge us, my life was falling apart, wine was needed and my son is just fine), lots of tears, and a lot of conversations with the big man up stairs!! Trust me, you don't have to have clarification right away, but you do have to work towards it to reach it!
If anyone had an excuse to not work this business, it was me. I started when my son was almost five months old, and remember, I was a 100% single mom working a full-time job! So finding time to do events, parties, etc. was not easy! BUT, I decided that my circumstances were NOT going to define me, I was going to define my circumstances. Too many times we see people in this business that use their circumstances in their life as a crutch, they think it’s a pass to not work hard and then when they are not successful, they use those circumstances as an excuse! They blame everything and everyone else for their lack of success! Now granted, sometimes it's just not their time, I get that. But do they quit all together, or do they just hang on, and keep working until it IS their time to really work it?
I challenge each of you to take some time and write down all the excuses you are making in regards to this business. Get rid of them, remove them from your vocabulary and when you find yourself making an excuse, figure out a way to “re-frame it for positive!” You have two choices; it’s all in your approach! “I am a single mom, I don’t have any help with my son, I can’t work this business. I don’t have time, I don’t have the money.” OR “Because I am a single mom and I don’t have help with my son and because I don’t have the time or the money, I am going to work so hard to provide for my son, work so hard so that I can eventually be a time-free mom. I will not let the choices I made negatively impact his life! I did this, I can change it!” You either own your excuses or you let them own you! What’s your choice?
Wow! I have some big shoes to fill following the fabulous Melanie Phillips Pittman! She is so inspiring! Our personalities are pretty different, as you will see over the next week, but I know that we both have a lot to offer each of you. You will soon learn that I really have a #noexcuses attitude and approach…I have a huge heart, but I don’t have a lot of sympathy with excuses! So with that said, I hope I don’t offend anyone and that I inspire all of you!
Cliff notes version of my story: I got pregnant, was not married, and then my son’s biological dad decided to give up his rights when I was three months pregnant (there is way more to this story that would make your jaw drop, just trust me when I say...IT WAS BAD)! Needless to say, I found myself face down on the floor and the only thing I could say was the verse Jeremiah 29:11. “'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' I vividly remember yelling at God (I mean YELLING) saying, “This? This is your plan for me? Seriously? How do I have hope in this? I am not married, I am pregnant, this child has no father and I am all-alone!!! How is this giving me a future? I give up, I can’t do it, so here you go God, all my worries, fears and plans are in your hands now! I’m DONE!” (I’m sure there was a lot more to that conversation with God, but I’ll spare you the details). Ironically, that is exactly what He wanted me to say! I’m sure He was saying, “It’s about time, Tammy! You are not in control, I am! Now give it all to me!” Soon after that, a peace came over me and I found myself saying repeatedly that I knew God is going to use my story to help others with faith, hope, forgiveness and trust! I just didn’t know that this Crazy Wrap Thing would be the platform! *Note: This didn't just happen in one perfect moment, it was over the course of a few days time, a bottle of wine with my BFF Jill Hair (don't judge us, my life was falling apart, wine was needed and my son is just fine), lots of tears, and a lot of conversations with the big man up stairs!! Trust me, you don't have to have clarification right away, but you do have to work towards it to reach it!
If anyone had an excuse to not work this business, it was me. I started when my son was almost five months old, and remember, I was a 100% single mom working a full-time job! So finding time to do events, parties, etc. was not easy! BUT, I decided that my circumstances were NOT going to define me, I was going to define my circumstances. Too many times we see people in this business that use their circumstances in their life as a crutch, they think it’s a pass to not work hard and then when they are not successful, they use those circumstances as an excuse! They blame everything and everyone else for their lack of success! Now granted, sometimes it's just not their time, I get that. But do they quit all together, or do they just hang on, and keep working until it IS their time to really work it?
I challenge each of you to take some time and write down all the excuses you are making in regards to this business. Get rid of them, remove them from your vocabulary and when you find yourself making an excuse, figure out a way to “re-frame it for positive!” You have two choices; it’s all in your approach! “I am a single mom, I don’t have any help with my son, I can’t work this business. I don’t have time, I don’t have the money.” OR “Because I am a single mom and I don’t have help with my son and because I don’t have the time or the money, I am going to work so hard to provide for my son, work so hard so that I can eventually be a time-free mom. I will not let the choices I made negatively impact his life! I did this, I can change it!” You either own your excuses or you let them own you! What’s your choice?
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