Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy (Skinny) New Year!

Posted by Tammy

Majority of the world's population made a resolution, or goal, yesterday to get healthier or wealthier in 2013!  I am not going to lie, I did the same thing!   I want to lose 15 pounds and I want to see a check of $10,000 deposited into my bank account every month (more would be better, but that's where I will start)!  Luckily I have a leg-up on the competition because I work for a company that has the products I need to get healthy and the business opportunity to get wealthy.  The next four months are going to be crazy in the skinny wrap business because of all the goals and resolutions people made to kick-off 2013 and we are here to help them on their journey!  How excited is that to be able to help people reach their goals, which in turn will help me reach mine!   I am excited, nervous, anxious and full of faith about where my life will be in just one more year...and I get to experience it with my best friend, partner-in-crime, my BFFL (for those of you that don't speak Tammy, that is Best Friend For Life)!

Here is to a healthier and wealthier New Year...I ate my black eyed peas (and tamales) yesterday, did you?

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