Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Teachers to Millionaires: A Common Theme in MLM

Posted by Tammy

Over the past year I have been involved in a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Organization called It Works! Global as my side job.  I started because being a single mom I needed to supplement my income to have a little bit of breathing room each month.  The more I started to learn about MLM and the more I read, one thing kept sticking out to me and it continues to stick out.  Every single book I have read says that teachers and coaches excel in the network marketing profession.  I guess I shouldn't be too shocked, considering the CEO of my company, Mark Pentecost, started as a teacher/coach and now he is purchasing golf courses with CASH!  Crazy...anyway,  until I start making enough in my MLM to replace my income, I continue to work in public school public relations.  Before this role, I was a high school teacher and I've also served as an adjunct college professor.  Needless to say, education is very important to me.  So when the theme about teachers and coaches kept coming up about being successful in MLM I have to say, I agree 100%.   A lot of my time is teaching others on my team about the products, how to be successful, how to make the most out of the compensation plan and how to think outside the box.  I am teaching customers how to best utilize our products and educating them on what products are best for their individual needs.  Those things are ones that come natural to anyone that has been in the educational environment, I'm not different.  No wonder educators succeed in MLM!!  I have struggled over the past five months with approaching any educators I have ever worked with about this opportunity because of conflict of interest in my current role, but yesterday sealed the deal for me and I feel obligated to at least share it with others and post it here!  No harm, no foul, just my opinions and beliefs! 

The sad realization is, as educators, we are facing very uncomfortable economic times in our profession.  Some of us have gone three or more years without a raise, we have all seen the cost of health care increase - causing checks to decrease and to top it off, we are now learning about the 2013 Tax Tables that might also cause a decrease in our pay checks.  It is so hard for me to successfully do my “public relations thing” in this midst of all these hard times for so many.  I am always hearing about the possible cuts, the budget, the agony!!   The district I work for has over 2,200 employees.  Many of these are friends of mine, so I absolutely hate that they are going through this.  I am by no means taking a political stance one way or the other, but I am taking the stance on saying that I feel their pain because I am right there with them!  We “administrators” are not immune to the difficult financial times either or I wouldn’t be investing so much time and energy into MLM and I wouldn't be writing this blog post.

I know we didn’t get into the profession for the pay, obviously.   The students, the relationships, the overall cause, and the time-off are all things that draw most educators to the profession - along with a fairly stable pay.  We all know that our pay will increase, slowly, over the course of our tenure, but even at the max, unless an individual becomes an upper-level administrator or head coach, they probably will not make more than $75,000 annually.  I decided to make a change, step out of my comfort zone, and supplement my income in a way that gave ME control over what I earned and the amount of time I spent on it!  Many of the same reasons I got into education are the same reasons MLM was so attractive: the overall cause, relationships and the potential for so much more time off and of course, the income.  The only thing missing is the students…oh wait...they are still there, just in the form of my team members and customers!

I am not going to ask any educator reading this to join my team (even though I would love it if you did), but I do want to encourage all of you to look into a MLM company of your choice.  “Uncertain times call for uncertain measures” and there is not a lot of risk in joining a MLM company but the payout can be significant.  For example, to join my company it only costs $99, so I didn’t feel like I was breaking the bank!  I really hate to see our profession going through such hard financial times, and it makes me physically ill to see so many friends and families being impacted by things out of their control.  How many budgets have you seen cut?  How many positions have you seen evaporated?  How many friends have you seen let go or get non-renewed?  This financial crisis facing education has impacted many of us…I don’t want to see it impact you when you have this piece of information at your disposal.  I feel a responsibility to tell you, as an educator myself, why I feel that there is a firm reason that we succeed in MLM companies.  It's because we have passion, we like to learn, we thrive on helping others learn and reach their full potential, we like to MLM is a perfect fit!   Research MLM and you will probably be as intrigued as I was…Who knows, maybe one of us will be the next Teacher to Millionaire!

Join our Facebook Group, Teachers to Millionaires, to learn more about MLM and our company It Works! by following this link:

We would love to have you on our team as a student initially and then as the rock star teacher/coach that we know you are!

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