Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Beginning of Cowtown Skinny!

Post by Tammy

In January 2012, Jill approached me about selling Skinny Wraps.  The conversation went like this:

Jill: I think I am going to sell skinny wraps and you should sell them with me!
Me: What is a skinny wrap?
Jill: I don't know....a wrap that makes you skinny???
Me: Ok!  Sign me up!

There might have been a little more dialogue in the car that day, but that was the basic premise of the conversation.  I didn't know what I was getting into, I had never even heard of network marketing, or multi-level marketing (MLM) but I trusted Jill and knew she wouldn't jump off into something that was a (that) bad of a decision so it wasn't hard for me to go "all in" with her.

Over the next year, Jill and I learned everything we could about skinny wraps and the company It Works! Global that we were now working for.  We had wrap parties, we did events, we went on road trips, we went to Jamaica and on a cruise, we made memories and we made money doing it.  If you would have told me that I would be able to make an additional $2,000 a month  in less that a year  with this MLM stuff I would have laughed!  But, I was quickly proved wrong seven months in when that's what we were making!  All I invested was $99...um, yes!  I'd do that again in an instant. 

Fast forward one year and we have both reached a leadership position (Diamond Executives) with the company.  We have branded ourselves, and our team, as the Cowtown Skinny Team, because we are based in Fort Worth, Texas (aka "Cowtown).  We are going to use this blog as an avenue to talk to you about skinny wraps, life, lessons, dreams and failures.  We will make you laugh and we will most likely make you smh (see you just did at that comment, didn't you?) but most importantly we hope you find encouragement in our stories and join us for a crazy ride in 2013!  Oh and did we mention, we are on the fast track to earning $10,000 a month in 2013?  Yeah, you read that right!  We will be able to get a glimpse at the financially free life, a time free lift, a life blessing others and helping others all while serving God!  It doesn't get much better than that! 

Grab Your Skinny (and your wallets) by the Horns because we are going to have a great 2013 with this crazy wrap thing! Happy New Year!

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